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What is Phase 1 Contamination Report Sydney?


A Phase 1 Contamination Report Sydney is used to recognize past as well as present activities that have possible to cause contamination to a site. Also called a preliminary site investigation, they are naturally requested by planning authorities for site rezoning or redevelopment as well as due assiduousness for property transactions.

Phase 1 Contamination Report Sydney
Phase 1 Contamination Report Sydney

Poor quality site contamination reports typically consequence in additional work and costs if they don’t meet rigid guidelines. An incomplete Phase 1 Contamination Report Sydney can result in data gaps, opening possible for unforeseen finds during site redevelopment. We have widespread experience in assessing contaminated sites and can assist you manage environmental obligations to accomplish the finest possible result for your project.

Scope of Work

A Phase 1 site assessment engages a desktop study of past land uses jointly with a site inspection. The purpose is to recognize potential sources of blemish and the possible impact it may present to the environment or else human health. A phase 1 environmental assessment includes an analysis of historical planning documents, land titles and aerial photos, and may also involve interviews with past and present land users.

When actual or potential contamination is recognized on a site then a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment is needed to investigate the sternness of contamination and make decisions on any possible hazards posed to human health as well as the environment.


A Phase 2 Contamination Report Sydney, also called a detailed site investigation, is utilized to characterise contamination that may be present on a site and decide the potential hazards to human health and the atmosphere in light of the proposed land use. Objectives for the assessment such as rezoning, observance issues, soil disposal, plus remediation or land transfers will show the assessment along with the Phase 1 findings.


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