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Preliminary Site Investigation NSW is Followed by Phase Two Site Assessment!


A great importance is given these days to the investigation of the sites that are proposed for further construction works. It’s the proper investigation of the site that can help us know more about the potential contamination present at that place. If we ignore this aspect and continue with the further construction works, then the workers at the site can have greater chance to suffer from a wide range of health issues. Contamination at the site can occur with its soil as well as groundwater. Even the air of that place can get contaminated due to the asbestos particles. Most of the construction materials that we use these days carry the asbestos. So when these materials are used, there is always chance for asbestos contamination at the site.

Preliminary Site Investigation NSW
Preliminary Site Investigation NSW

· Contamination can also occur due to previous activities

In case there were some activities conducted at that site previously, then also contamination can occur. To trace the possible contamination, detailed site investigation NSW is always necessary. As the name suggests, this type of investigation is done in a very detailed manner. However, this is the phase two site investigation and this is conducted after the phase one site assessment.

· This goes step by step

During the preliminary site investigation NSW, the experts use to analyze the type of contamination there at the site. They try to figure out whether or not the contamination is there. For this they also collect the groundwater and soil samples and tests them. This step is also called as Preliminary Risk Assessment or in short PRA. It is then followed by the phase two site assessment and necessary steps are taken to reduce or eliminate the contamination.


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