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Importance of Preliminary Site Investigation NSW.


Preliminary Site Investigation NSW is conducted with the aim to clear potentially contaminated sites and render them harmless. The report constructed is associated with the risks that an existing contaminated site poses to the natural environment, the propensity of contamination to persist on the existing site and to probe if further investigation into the matter is necessary.

Preliminary Site Investigation NSW
Preliminary Site Investigation NSW

The key factors of this preliminary investigation include:

1. Defining the purpose of investigation.

2. The history of the site in question.

3. Potentially contaminating activities carried out on the site in picture in both past and present.

4. Inspection of contaminated media.

5. The present condition of site and surrounding water bodies.

6. Detailed study of the surrounding geological and hydrogeological setting.

7. The preliminary assessment of the nature of contaminants.

8. A conceptual site model needs to be built.

9. Identification of data and mapping gaps during contamination site assessments.

10. Written recommendation for future probing and further investigation of the contaminated land.

The objective of Detailed Site Investigation, NSW is done to provide a complete picture on the issues raised in preliminary examination.

The steps of this investigation include:

1. Detailed examination of primary contamination source or site practices.

2. To identify whether the contaminant has dispersed into air or surrounding water bodies.

3. Characterization of contaminant nature and behavior.

4. Assessment of the potential hazards of the contaminant on human health and environment.

5. Identify the migration and spreading routes of the contaminant.

6. To assess if the information available on the contaminant is adequate and complete.

7. Review and update the conceptual site model formulated during primary site investigation.

If the detailed site investigation shows potential risks on the contaminated site then Remedial Action Plan needs to prepared and implemented immediately.


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